After that he ventured into the kitchen all the way on the other side of the house... see what mischief he could find...
...and to NOT pull on the telephone cord...
...and what would the day be without kneeling at the step stool?
That top left tooth I spotted the other night is here to stay...not the here now, gone tomorrow second bottom tooth that's been playing shy for months now. So, Jack-Snack officially has four teeth! The top two look to be like normally shaped teeth. The bottom right tooth has finally made it's debut permanent, and it's every bit as unique as it's neighbor, a sharp spikey pointed fang. That the bottom teeth are spikey is no longer much of a wrench to the head. I'm over it. He's my little Jack, and his teeth are spikey.
Friday was his 15 month well baby check. And a new diagnosis of asthma. So he has yet another inhaler, this one an inhaled steroid called Q-Var, 1 puff every morning and one puff every night. Dang. Jack weighed in at 20 pounds and 14 ounces. He is 28 inches long! His head circumference is 45 cm. He's still wearing a size 4 diaper and his crawling skills are getting more uniform...not quite a genuine crawl, but the boy gets where he wants to go, all the same! And Saturday I bought him 7 new sleep and play outfits...size 6-9 months. He's barely hanging onto the regular growth charts at the 1st percentile for height, but he's moved up 2 points and is in the 5th percentile for weight! You go baby! I love you so much it hurts, but in a good way!
Post Script: I also discovered late after this post that Jack has the outer point of a molar poked through his top right gums, way in the back, but I was too lazy to get up and update the post. He's had wide mushy back gums, top and bottom, for about two weeks now, so I wasn't really surprised to find that little point sticking out. It was still poked out when I got home from work tonight, so I guess it's officially a new tooth coming in!
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