From Jack's reflection he does not look like he's enjoying himself, however that is only because he stops smiling when I take a picture! Plus, he was having quite a little chat with that baby in the mirror! I think 'they' were comparing notes on diapering techniques and feeding schedules!

This was the first time The Snork always turned onto his side for a specific reason, and to a preferred side at that. Not once did he turn onto his side away from the mirror. And he did it over and over again, wind-milling his legs until he'd gotten enough momentum to get onto his side. Once balanced just so, he'd resume his chatter!

And...over and over again, all the while keeping up a steady chat with himself! As soon as he tuckered out he'd let himself fall back to have a little rest. Then he'd start swinging those legs again and over he'd go! Smart boy!

He can't quite get his little grabbers to work well enough to "catch" the ladybug or the bee, but he did knock the mirror over several times! He is quite the conversationalist these days!

And his new little friend is such a great listener! He never even interrupted once, and always paused to appreciate what Jack was saying!

Jack was tuckered out and ready to get into his burrito wrap after almost an hour of playing with his mirror!
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