in a mob of kids named Lynch! These are from January 4th, 2010. Will was so very
This is Debbie, Conner holding William, and The Pod Pie

Debbie, Conner and Willie

Here's most of the group! The Girlie, Ryan-the-seldom-photographed! Debbie, Conner holding The Jack-Snack, and The Pod Pie. See who's holding Jack in
every picture? Auntie Bits had to pry the baby from Connor's grasp and then she only got to hold him for about 30 seconds before Conner swiped him back! True story!
These are from June 19th, 2010. The kids were so disappointed that Will wasn't going to be baby-sat at their house after all, since I didn't get work, that we drove over for a visit instead!

This is Conner.

He loves baby Jack! The feeling is mutual!

And he volunteered to do diaper "doody!" Great job on your first ever diaper change Conner!

Conner, Jack & Kyle

Jack will sleep in the famed Lynch family cradle when he sleeps over at Auntie Bits' house. If the kids ever put him down that is!





This is Auntie Bits and I. I have yet to find the photo-shop tabs for "make us skinny," "remove the shine from apple cheeks," and "reduce my turkey neck!" At the very least there should be a "remove the lettuce stuck in my teeth" tab. Dang it all! And now I realize that the littlest Lynch is no where to be found in our pictures. Ryan was playing video games with My Girlie!
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